8 Things To Do Before You Sell

  • Partner with a great real estate agent.

  • Enhance your curb appeal. Does the lamp post or mailbox need repair? Does the siding need a power wash? Do the hedges need to be trimmed?

  • Deep clean. Neutralize odors, and Keep clean.

  • Purge, Donate or Sell. This step is extremely beneficial as it will help when you move forward to your next home.

  • De-clutter, De-personalize, and remove excess furniture.

  • Make Repairs. Fix all the ‘little things’ you’ve been putting off (leaky faucets, bathroom caulking, gutter cleaning, flaking paint, etc.) Be ready for buyer inspections.

  • Replace burned out light bulbs and batteries in smoke detectors.

  • Secure personal and valuable items before house showings begin.

5 Tips for an Easier Move

  • Keep all moving documents in one place. Create your ‘safe place’ for all paperwork needed for closing, utility information, etc.

  • Pack Boxes Strategically. Heavy items in smaller boxes, lighter items in bigger boxes. Pack your essentials last…having everyday items like toiletries, linens, dishes and a few cooking utensils at hand will keep you functional and help ease the overwhelming task of unpacking.

  • Prep your new home. First things first… Turn utilities on, change locks, set up security systems, check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

  • Update address information. Remember to change your address with the USPS. Other address changes should include banks, credit card companies, subscriptions, shopping sites and insurances.

  • Have a plan and start early. Closing day may seem far away, but time moves quickly when packing! Make your checklists and have a plan that includes a timeline for how the house will be packed and ready for closing.

The Road to Sell Your Home Starts Here!

  • Interview and Partner with an Agent

  • Listing Appointment: Discuss the value of your home, review the calendar, sign documents and enter into contract.

  • Preparation: Make your home photo-ready! Marketing materials are assembled to be ready for…

  • Launch Day! It’s time…your home’s profile is now listed online through the Multiple Listing Service. Marketing materials are rolled out, showings begin and any open house strategies are put into action.

  • Accept an offer and you are under contract. All offers submitted are thoroughly reviewed with you so you can can accept an offer or negotiate and make a counter offer.

  • Inspections and Appraisals: If elected, a buyer’s home inspectors are hired to review your home and see if any repairs or upgrades are suggested. Your agent can negotiate these items for you. The lender will schedule an appraisal to underwrite the buyer’s loan.

  • Buyer’s final walk-through: Usually within 24 hours of closing.

  • CLOSING DAY! Documents are signed, keys are exchanged, seller’s utilities and insurance are cancelled, and the For Sale sign is removed from the property.